1. Building capacity
2. Strengthening organizations and networks
3. Providing technical assistance
4. Conducting research
Four Worlds technical assistance is focused on planning, implementing and evaluating development, change and human service program initiatives.
Comprehensive Community Planning in three Canadian First Nations, entailing: 1) participatory, community-based analysis of the current context and needs, the historical roots of the current situation, and the imagined future toward which community members want to move; 2) a rapid assessment of programs, staff and administrative capacity to carry out community development initiatives; 3) the development of a multi-sector action framework with a 10-20 year horizon covering all aspects of community life (personal, political, economic, social, cultural, infrastructure, lands and environment, etc.); 4) coaching work teams in the development of concrete 1-2 year initiatives and plans leading to the achievement of long-term goals; 5) the delivery of training and coaching services to support needed shifts in ways of thinking and working required for the achievement of the community's goals; and 6) long-term support in evaluating progress (2004-present)
Guiding the foundation, Board formation, development of key vision and purpose documentation, initial program development, the development of key Board committees, and ongoing management and fundraising campaign the Calgary Centre for Global Community, dedicated to strengthening civil society to address critical global issues through locally based action (2011-2012)
Arctic Canada
Supporting the National YWCA to extend its services to vulnerable and homeless women in the Canadian Arctic, involving new program design and staff development. (2010-2011)
Organizational development, planning, team training and fundraising support to help a regional NGO (Karakorum Area Development Organization) develop the capacity to become a "Rural Support Program" (RSP) that is capable of facilitating and supporting the journey of targeted communities out of poverty (2010-present) |